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A Hermit Year - Accelerated Growth & The Dark Night of the Soul

Writer's picture: Rebecca Rebecca

Belong to yourself, find your inner light, let the light in, keep the lights on, leave the light on, shine your light, believe in the light in times of darkness. Cling like fire to what’s good inside of yourself.

Hi Everyone. We’re heading into a Hermit year and coming out of the intensity of the Strength year.

I’m not happy with the outcome we’ve just seen on a national level and it’s taking some time to process the grief. I truly thought we would have a different outcome.

Now that we know where we stand. I’m glad that I took martial arts, have educated myself about the challenges of narcissism, become involved with environmentalism and have cultivated a deep level of self-love.

But I still hurt and I'm angry. I’m not sure how prepared you can be for something like this. I'm sure we'll all be called to a powerful purpose in response.

I do understand that we’ll be experiencing accelerated growth during this time because after all we learn more through our challenges than our ease.

This will be a time to cultivate deeper spiritual perspectives and working through the karma on profoundly deep levels. A time to go inward and do the work, stand strong and create boundaries, maintain connection with the Self, with each other and learn to read the signs in the world with the support of the Universe at large.

It’s taken a while to get this out because I’ve rewritten it a few times as part of my own healing process. In trying to find the highest ground possible, I’m able to access my own inner Hermit in hopes that it resonates with the deeper, authentic parts of you.

If you’d like to connect I’ll be hosting groups for Spiritual/Karmic Clearings and discussion, as a supportive way of engaging this process. If you’re interested email me at

With Love…

The Hermit says that it’s wise to keep your inner fire burning… but not so bright as to burn out. The simple pleasures that give meaning to life in dark times are precious. Hold your Self tight and with the glare of a hungry tiger search for the truth beyond the vat of lies.

Wisdom looks within…folly goes without.

A Dark Night of the Soul occurs when painful events confuse the conscious mind, the ego, because they carry no obvious meaning. For a period of time life seems to be void of meaning, nothing makes sense. All that was associated with in the past, the meaning one had ascribed to life and God, is removed or simply seems unimportant to others. There’s a sense of being rudderless as changes occur that we have no control over.

Keeping the Flame Alive
Crows Magick Tarot

The Hermit lets us know that this is about accelerated growth and what happens when we manifest. We not only manifest light, we also manifest the dark (the High Priestess). The unconscious fears of the mainstream, The Hierophant shadow (group mind/patriarchy), has made its way to the surface. The Hierophant and The Hermit are opposing forces (3 of swords).

The Hermit represents the individual mind, teaching and learning, the capacity for individual definition and truth and the Hierophant represents the group mind, hierarchy, herd mentality, and misguided popular opinion.

This happened 100 years ago and it’s happening again today.

Like putting a weapon in the clumsy grip of a toddler it’s not mature enough to know what it’s doing and will aim willy-nilly thinking it’s funny, this new toy that it has.

Often the mainstream mind sees no use for wisdom, follows, bores easily and demands to be constantly stimulated and entertained. So much so that it has strayed far away from the depth and the true meaning of its souls destiny. It feels it has no purpose because it has lost its way. Not because it doesn’t have a purpose.

It quite simply doesn’t know how to deal with complexity. And times are complex.

Part of what’s being learned is that The ‘Winged Cap’ is not a toy, the spiritual manifestation dimension, and can feel quite biting in its response to folly.

In Jungian terms this is a manifestation of the collective unconscious fears.

In humanity at large, a Dark Night of the Soul, is when the masses are consumed with darkness; projecting fear, hate, vitriol, anger, loss, defeat and blame onto others who frequently have no bearing on the problem. There’s a loss of consciousness or awareness of what’s sacred (love) within the self and the profane (fear) dominates.

These fires have been fueled by poor leadership that seeks to separate, use, abuse, control and discard. Misinformation reins and they’ve brought it upon themselves. The Hermit reversed.

The Hermit recommends utilizing wisdom, insight and moving to higher ground when dealing with narcissistic cultures, aggressiveness, vitriol and spiritual bankruptcy.

The Hermit reversed represents shallow, one-dimensional thinking. It lacks a broader perspective in lieu of short-term, desperate, ego gratification that dismisses the Souls grander purpose. It represents an inability to hold the charge for the long term (lack of self-development) or difficulty in building anything of real value in a foundational sense.

Manifesting from fear you get fear, manifesting from love you get love. Keep manifesting from love and more will come your way.

When darkness overrides the Soul, the connection to the light of consciousness is blocked.

An example of this is the ‘pain-body’ described by Eckart Tolle in The Power of Now and it certainly has hijacked the intelligence of the wiser being at large. Keep placing consciousness to your pain and it will recede enough to bring you back into balance. Self-love and connection assist you in maintaining control over your destiny.

This is a good time to revisit that book.

Shining Your Light
Afro Goddess Tarot

In these times go within and seek wisdom and true direction, so bad choices aren’t made. Cause and effect is a foundational spiritual law. For every effect there’s been a cause, for every cause there’s an effect. Whether in this lifetime or others including future timelines.

Although it may be hard to watch we will see this law in action. It’s like attending the wedding ceremony of a bad marriage. You’re not sure whether they’ll be able to work it out or not, but you know that it’ll be a brutal situation.

It’s important to utilize the Strength of character that was learned from the Strength year we’re heading out of.

Dignity, self-respect, awareness and compassion are needed to maintain principles and resist giving in to the temptation of weakness. Holding strong can prevent backsliding.

Spiritual law doesn’t change because someone wants it too. It’s fixed, its enduring, its truth.

When humans are not in control of their actions due to misguided, fearful illusions and delusions of the mind, there’s a desire to punish others for their own personal pain that they accept no responsibility for or quite simply can’t cope with.

Depth capacity is lacking and there’s an impatience surrounding the gradual development that occurs from transformational pain.

Facing transformational pain leads to real growth, emotional maturity and spiritual awareness.

Be the mirror of the light to remind those who have forgotten who they really are. You need do nothing other than be reflective and sink more deeply into your soul for now. Look within and find your voice.

We are, after all, responsible for our pain and our pleasure. There’s power in knowing that you can process your pain and move forward to allow yourself to feel pleasure.

The pendulum will swing the other way. Let yourself be led to feel better and when your ready and you will open up brand new levels of awareness as well as immeasurable strength which will reveal hidden talents.

Spiritual maturity is a strength to lean on, not an escape, but an ability to see through to the truth which reduces anxiety and negativity. Truth doesn’t create fear it creates balance.

If it’s creating fear…it isn’t truth.

Leaning into your Soul, hearing its voice and feeling its power will ensure a continued wholeness of the Self and a development of intuition.

Spiritually, we say there’s karma to be worked through here. Karmic patterns block the connection to the light. Like someone has flipped a light switch and the room gets pitch black or more accurately, there’s a power outage and the whole grid goes dark and silent.

Seeing in the dark can be difficult that’s why we encourage honing your intuition and keeping the inner fire lit. Trusting yourself in the upcoming years will be imperative.

Shadow has taken over as it attempts to extinguish the flame of warmth, love and compassion. These are realities that become ‘overshadowed’ by fear, control and domination (illusions).

However, this is not all meaningless and the struggles are not and have not been in vain. There are powerful lessons to be learned and will require quite a bit of sojourning, loneliness and soul-searching. Be your own best friend and hone your inner guru.

It’s okay to be excited about the learning, it heals the blocks and life flows more smoothly.

The Dark Night of the Soul is a spiritual awakening. The outer gets darker the inner gets brighter. Meditation and breath-work on the daily is recommended.

Although these are painful and uncomfortable lessons there’s a need to engage what comes onto your radar with a courageous openness and a willingness to learn. A willingness to see the truth in all situations. Although they may not be wanted, they are needed. It’s this depth of feeling that conceives the ideas to be birthed by a renaissance nature, it’s the birth of the spiritual self not the physical.

While complacency can breed contempt, creative tension can birth a new era of feeling and knowing. A new generation of lovers is rooting itself in the underground of the psyche as it evolves to adapt and adjust to the new.

Consider the Dark Night of the Soul the birth canal and what’s being experienced are labor pains. Women and some enlightened men will understand this. Others will not but that’s what teaching and learning is for.

That’s why we need teachers and being respectful of teachers will encourage their sharing of their precious wisdom and insight. That’s the Hermit. There are teachers that can’t pursue their purpose in traditional ways because of the present dangers. The Hermit reversed.

Connecting with Guides
Everyday Witch Tarot

After a period of grieving and processing emotions folks will be clearer and sharper channels with the capacity to expand in all directions. While the outer world becomes oppressive the inner worlds become liberated, known, nurtured and expansive.

The Hermit says to cultivate the inner gifts and talents. Open your inner world and eventually the outer world has to open for you as well. As within so without. As above so below. True Spiritual law.

Make your plans and act on them. Continue to pursue your purpose.

The Self-Love movement has happened for a reason and soon we’ll be able to utilize the tools we’ve gathered to recognize true inner enrichment. Have no doubt this will eventually manifest itself outwardly and there’s no reason to stop believing in true purpose and legitimate passions. There is love and truth waiting for you but first we clear the inner planes of any disruptive forces.

A higher power is still at work manifesting miracles on the daily. The success that comes from this will lighten the load and return a fresh energy to a drab and dark landscape. Cultivate a deep and enduring connection with this and your love will continue to grow and expand.

Be sure to stay connected with us, your inner guides, your soul, your community and most importantly your truth.

Healing of the entire being is needed, heal yourself through this process, heal the earth and continue to nurture and tend to the feminine, the feeling nature and to take action only when you know you’re walking wisdom’s way.

Much Love,


Firefly Kix Tarot

Now is the time.


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